Lunges are a great exercise that works on strength, stability and balance targeting both lower extremity and the trunk/core musculature. They are a great ‘bang for your buck’ exercise that can create quick changes in multiple muscle groups.

To perform a lunge:

1. Start in a standing position, gently contract (draw in) lower abdominals

2. Step forward, keeping front foot flat, rear foot on your back toe

3. Front Knee stays centered over the foot, not allowing the front thigh to turn ‘in’ or medially and making sure to keep the front knee from crossing over the front of the toes

4. Keep chest upright, shoulders, hips facing forward and trunk centered

5. Contract hamstrings, quads and gluts to pause in desired end position (do not let rear knee hit the floor)

6. Push back to starting position and switch to the opposite side

Start with reps of 10-15 and slowly work up to 3 sets.

Feel free to mix it up a bit! You can add weight, try reverse lunges, step onto a bosu ball or do a ‘lunge walk’ where you walk with each step being a lunge.
Typically, it takes up to 2 wks to accommodate to a new exercise, however, if you are experiencing any joint pain or soreness that you are not sure about feel free to contact your friendly Alpine Physical Therapist and we can help you find the exercise that’s right for you. Cheers.