We love Bridges and you should too!

The Bridge is a great introductory exercise that incorporates use multiple muscle groups with particular emphasis on the glutes, hamstrings and lower back extensors. Here are some quick guidelines on how to perform the exercise:

Step 1

Lie supine (on your back) on the floor. It may be helpful to lie on a blanket or yoga mat for comfort. Bend your knees and set your feet flat on the floor and approximately hip width apart.

Step 2

Contract your lower abdominals (draw belly button in). Next press your feet and hands into the floor while raising your pelvis and hips off the floor. Make sure to keep your knees in line with the feet (not falling in together). This engages the lateral hip stabilizers while you are raising up.

Step 3

While maintaining an active core contraction, continue lifting to engage your buttocks and lower back extensors until your body is in a straight line from the shoulders to the knees. Take care in not hyperextending your back or placing stress on your neck. Keep pelvis level from side to side (not dropping or twisting).  Pause and slowly lower down to relax.

Begin with 1-3 sets of 10-15 reps or 1-3 x a sustained hold from 30 secs to one minute. Exhale while performing the bridge. Inhale at rest.

Think that’s easy? Try some modifications:

  • Bend your upper arms to 90 degrees so only your upper arm is contacting the ground
  • Lift your toes up and drive through your heels
  • Try single leg bridges: Raise with both legs, lower with one. Repeat on the other side. Or, raise and lower with one leg keeping core contracted and pelvis level
  • Bridge off a step or Bosu ball